Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A few new oil portraits

My mother was quick to point out the mistake I made in having a hard edge in the middle of this face. Indeed, there are no 'hard edges' in portraits, rather soft and perfectly blended ones. At least now this blaring mistake draws my attention away from manifold other mistakes in the region of the mouth. Thank you, mother.

After a brief hiatus, your hero has re-appeared in Budapest! And,  after attending some oil painting workshops at Brody studios, I have produced a few reasonable pieces to hang on the wall. The subjects came from a book of portraits of native Americans. While I have enjoyed the exercise, I am tempted to return to painting in the abstract.

Texture was left out of the shawl on this piece, in order to draw more attention to the face.
I was disappointed with the outcome of this one, though making the necklaces and hair were enjoyable.