"Beautiful Trash," incorporates photos he has taken of plastic found on beaches around the world as well as impromptu artworks made from everyday plastic objects. "The aim of the project is to provoke a collective consciousness regarding the unmeasured use of plastic and its deleterious environmental impact," he said.
"When I discovered the existence of the garbage patch in the Pacific, I thought to myself, 'Nature is something incredible.' It takes all of these terrible things, all of our crap, and pulls it into one place," Arias said. "Our excessive consumerism is creating a new environment. It's like plastic soup."
As Arias toured the gallery, he said, "I'm looking for plastic in the right place. I'm looking for the beauty of it, to show the contradictions. I'm a poet. I explore the world of what happens when reality has changed to a dream and dreams to reality and we see the absurdity of human beings."
We know there's beauty in it, too...we've all seen American Beauty. Read more about his project here.