Here is the progress being made. I completed the 4X6 triptych and I rather like the brightness it ended up with. As much as I dislike the cheap feel of canvas panel, they really absorb the acrylics and reflect light from the oils quite readily.
final 4X6" line study triptych
I showed up to class with only the images of my week's work on my camera and a big blank canvas, thinking I could just do what I've been doing and that would work. The question of intention, purpose and meaning have been brought up to me before, and, frustratingly, I am never quite sure how to answer besides that I enjoy the interplay between the lines and shapes, the colors and intersections. There is more to it than that, and I am motivated to uncover the best way to communicate it. When Stephen began reading from "Art and Fear" again and addressing issues of viewers' reception of work, I decided I must bring more intention into my work.
world map doodle on wood panel 4X5"
phase one of stylized world map project |
phase 2 |
I find maps very visually and intellectually compelling. The way we perceive space on a 2-D representation of real places informs our sense of geographical awareness. Our own space/time continuum is relative to that of every other living and non-living thing around us. To make representations and compressed images of our surroundings reveals how we perceive our role in the order of nature, and of life.
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